GREETINGS & SALUTATIONS TO ALL! Tools & strategies for AMERICAN women who are trying to level-up beyond making ends meet. YES, there are ways around this big circle-jerk we call "life" & NO, you don't have to work 2 jobs, strip, hustle or sell your ovaries! Please explore our resources and do what you will with any of your findings. XOXO

We only ask that you bear in mind: a little generosity goes a long way. I, myself needn't be reminded of the back-to-back stints I spent with the latter on the outside in limbo because people wanted to shit on me. Again, I am familiar with dirty deeds however, I've managed to re-establish myself stemming from 2005. Yaaaas, 20 years & counting! Blessed be! I intend on using this separate, not-for-profit platform to help as many as I can.
*it's understandable to be apprehensive about taking this approach so please feel free to look into Womens Prison Association where you can make a difference through a funnel company if preferred.
And with that stated, thank you for considering this path of direct assistance and connection. Together, we're all going to bring a little light into their lives.

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